1.1.1 Server Condition
- Space systems in use around 82%, this greatly affects the ability of the server in response to any request from the user, both internal users as well as user samba system (data collection). Excessive Use of space because there are user data placement in the system.Solution:
- Some data must be moved in the space of data or different data partitions, but not too significant.
- Reduction of data on space systems and / stores.
- Addition of Hard Disk Internal ± 200 Gb, so the existing data in the system can move to the Hard Disk Data.
1.1.2 User Data Bash, Samba and NFS
- -Users Bash: 50 users
- Samba Users: 50 users
Each new user to the addition of either a user or users samba bash will meenggunakan space on the system at least 10 Mb. So to prevent a significant decline in space, needs to do a user who uses a data management samba.
1.1.3 Data Synchronization
Synchronization process, namely
- User data Server
- Backup Server
- In the synchronization process on the data server in accordance with the schedule of transfer / synchronization, which is the fastest 2 hours once and then not regularly updated data significantly in every day.
- The process of synchronization is very efetif to cope with missing data server system or user error both the user data.
- Data SSC (SSC group)
- Data Payroll (Payroll group)
- Data Finance (Group Finance)
- Data Accounting (Group Finance).
- Data MBC (MBC Group).
1.3 NFS Server
NFS servers are servers that provide data to the user for NFS, PCs that have a specific IP as the authentication of NFS data. Sharing. This data is very secure, because only certain IP premises PCs can only use these files on the server and only for users of Linux system users.
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