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Kamis, 02 Desember 2010

10 Tips Security Wifi

We often use wireless for internet connection, whether at home or in public places which provide hotspots. For those who have their own wireless devices at home, may need to consider a few things for the security of wireless devices, or for the convenience of the Internet through wireless devices whether it is "Access Point" or "Router". Some things that are:

Change Default Administrator Username and Password
Most of us sometimes like to forget or even assume that the administrator username and password do not need to be replaced, citing fears Ntar a moment forget the password, or assume that no one can connect to these wireless devices other than us or that we give access orang2. 
Yet in today's era there is a term I often hear "that does not exist maybe" it should be changed with the comfort and security.

Enable Wireless Security (WPA / WEP)
All wireless devices are equipped with these features, then better enable these features so as not just anyone can access our wireless.

Change the SSID defaul
The default SSID of a wireless device is usually the same, it is useful to change and usually can change through setiing wireless menu.

Enable MAC Address Filtering
The wireless router provides MAC Address Filtering feature, it can be used to limit the devices that can connect to the wireless by giving access only to certain devices by registering macaddress of these devices.

Non Enable SSID Broadcast
By choosing to disable SSID Broadcast, wireless SSID we will not be visible when the scan. 
And we could add the SSID manually.

Disable Auto-Connect from Wireless devices
Most people ngeset wireless with the status of auto-connect to other wireless devices, this should be avoided so as not to cause problems.

Set IP in Wireless Device with Static Mode
By ngeset to static mode, when the wireless we can impenetrable by man, it can not be directly conn because they have to find the IP. 
And yes sebaikn IP also does not use a common IP / common.

Enable Firewall
Obviously, by adding or activate the firewall then we increase the security level of our wireless devices.

Place the Wireless Router or Access Point in a safe place.
Wireless devices usually have a certain range, then put him in strategic places so that only reach the area we want.

Turn off when not in use Wireless Devices
When the wireless device does not use, we'd better turn off the device.

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