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Senin, 06 Desember 2010

Intranet network advantages mentioned above:
1. Simplify network cabling process Network Engineer.
2. The use of cable networks is relatively small (in size).

Intranet Network losses mentioned above:
1. There are nodes that result in collision 
2. The use of cable a relatively more (in size).

Based on CCNA [3], if viewed from the network there are some good collision in loading data to the server or Internet connection, namely between the APU switch to switch MBC1 and Switch Switch HRD with Accounting.
 effects of the collision above is the use of greater bandwidth in one network, so that local network traffic becomes congested.

On the other hand Internet Protocol / IP that is in use is the IP class A, ie starting with the default 126 255 255 254 Subnet to, so that the IP that we use is a class A with an IP Subnet, which means that IP that we use have an IP subnet of a class A which has a number of PC 254.
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